current expenses
Смотреть что такое "current expenses" в других словарях:
current expenses — index overhead Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
current expenses — regularly continuing expenditures for the maintenance of business. * * * current expenses, expenses necessary to the continuous carrying on of a business … Useful english dictionary
current expenses — business expenses within a defined period … English contemporary dictionary
current expenses — regularly continuing expenditures for the maintenance of business. * * * … Universalium
current expenses — /kʌrənt əkˈspɛnsəz/ (say kuruhnt uhk spensuhz) plural noun regularly continuing expenditures for the maintenance and the carrying on of business …
current expenses — Ordinary, regular, recurring, and continuing expenditures for the maintenance of property, the carrying on of a business, an office, municipal government, etc … Black's law dictionary
current expenses — Ordinary, regular, recurring, and continuing expenditures for the maintenance of property, the carrying on of a business, an office, municipal government, etc … Black's law dictionary
current account — noun 1. that part of the balance of payments recording a nation s exports and imports of goods and services and transfer payments • Hypernyms: ↑accounting • Part Holonyms: ↑balance of payments, ↑balance of international payments 2. a bank account … Useful english dictionary
current — I adjective being done, belonging to the time, concurrent, contemporaneous, contemporary, customary, existent, existing, hie, immediate, in fashion, in style, in the fad, in vogue, instant, latest, latter day, new, occurring, of the moment, of… … Law dictionary
current monthly income — A bankruptcy filer s total gross income averaged over the six month period immediately preceding the bankruptcy filing. The debtor s current monthly income is used to determine whether the individual debtor qualifies for a Chapter 7 or a Chapter… … Glossary of Bankruptcy
expenses payable — current obligations that a business must pay (Accounting) … English contemporary dictionary